Volume 45 (Issue 1) -- Year 2024

Chandra X-ray Observatory 20-Year View of Sagittarius A*: Flares and Quiescent State Properties

Aimi Azizan, Muhammad Ezzat Abdul Hamid and Adlyka Annuar

Vol.45, Pages 10001-10009

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Effect of Sonication Time on the Size Distribution and Suspension Stability of 4-Cyano-4’-pentylbiphenyl (5CB) Microdroplets in Water for Prospective Microdroplet-based Applications

M. S. Mat Yeng, S. K. Ayop and I. R. Mustapa

Vol.45, Pages 10010-10018

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A Geophysical Analysis Through a Python Program to Predict Sunrise, Sunset, and Prayer Timings

Atteeq Razzak

Vol.45, Pages 10019-10027

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Evaluation of Lift-Off Effect on Metal Testing with Non_x0002_Conductive Coating by Using Eddy Current Testing Technique

Syafiqa Putri Adlina Harun and Fauziah Sulaiman

Vol.45, Pages 10028-10038

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An Occurrence Rate Analysis of Geomagnetic Storms and Coronal Mass Ejection Over the Solar Cycle-24

Raja Adibah Raja Halim Shah, Nurul Shazana Abdul Hamid, Mardina Abdullah, Adlyka Annuar, Farahana Kamarudin, and Idahwati Sarudin

Vol.45, Pages 10039-10045

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Resonant Characteristics of Two Closely Arranged Split Ring Resonator

Kim Ho Yeap, Alexander Jia Hui Gan, Zi Xin Oh, Kazuhiro Hirasawa and Peh Chiong Teh

Vol.45, Pages 10046-10061

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The Effect of Post-Annealing Temperatures on Rectifying Properties of Anisotype Al/ZnO/p-Si/Al Heterojunctions

Naif H. Al-Hardan, Muhammad Azmi Abdul Hamid, Azman Jalar and Naser M. Ahmed

Vol.45, Pages 10062-10070

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Lanthanum-doped Na3Zr2(SiO4)2PO4 NASICON-like Solid Electrolyte: Improvement of Ionic Conductivity for All-solid-state Sodium-ion Batteries

Man Kit Chong, Zalita Zainuddin, Fatin Saiha Omar and Mohammad Hafizuddin Hj Jumali

Vol.45, Pages 10071-10078

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Quantum States on Fibre of Vector Bundle From Blow-Up Perspectives

Ahmad H. A. S., Nurisya M. S., Sharifah K. S. H and Hishamuddin Z.

Vol.45, Pages 10079-10087

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The Influence of RF Sputtering Power on Optical and Structural Properties of AlN Films for High Power Electronic Applications

Mohammad Asef Hossaini, Siti Sarah Saniman, Syariffah Nurathirah Syed Yaacob, Muhammad Firdaus Omar and Azzahfeerah Mahyuddin

Vol.45, Pages 10088-10096

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Ionic Conductivity of PVA-based Gel Electrolyte Containing Diethyl Carbonate Plasticizer

A. A. Rahim and M. F. Aziz

Vol.45, Pages 10097-10109

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Elementary Particle Masses and Benford’s Law

Eleni Petrakou

Vol.45, Pages 10110-10115

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Solitons interaction and Turbulence in the Framework of Time Fractional Korteweg-de Vries Equation

Prasanta Chatterjee, Uday Narayan Ghosh, Snehalata Nasipuri and Gurudas Mandal

Vol.45, Pages 10116-10131

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High-Sensitivity Refractive Index-Based Microring Resonator All-Optical Sensor with Fano Resonance Spectrum

Nurul Fathinah Azrisham, Mohammad Amirul Hairol Aman, Ahmad Nadzimuddin Nazmi and Ahmad Fakhrurrazi Ahmad Noorden

Vol.45, Pages 10132-10143

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Online Portfolio Selection Strategy of Universal Portfolio Based On the Kullback-Leibler and Alpha-Divergence Ratio

Yap Jia Lee, Wei Yeing Pan and How Hui Liew

Vol.45, Pages 10144-10162

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Reducing the Quantum Confined Stark Effect through Unidirectional Graded Quantum Well for High Luminescence Intensity 280-nm Deep-Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diode

Mohammad Amirul Hairol Aman, Faris Azim Ahmad Fajri, Ahmad Fakhrurrazi Ahmad Noorden, Azni Abdul Aziz, Wan Hazman Danial , Muhammad Zamzuri Abdul Kadir

Vol.45, Pages 10163 - 10175

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The Incident Angle of a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) From the Surface: A Preliminary Study

H. A. Musyayyadah, A. Ripai, M. N. A. Halif, Z. Abdullah

Vol.45, Pages 10176 - 10183

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Teaching and Learning Astronomy Subjects Through Hybrid Methods: Interactive and Implementation AL-KAHF Games Activity Based on Augmented Reality

R. Umar, N. H. Sabri, Bely, A. H, S. N. A. Syed Zafar, A. L. A. M. Nasir, A. N. Zulkeflee, A. E. Mohamad, Juddin, A. S. S, H. F. M. Reshad, I. Ismailf, M. H. Shuhari, N. A. Mahiddin

Vol.45, Pages 10184 - 10194

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Morphological and First-Principles Study of Calix[n]arene-PABA Complexes: Insights of Reactivity and Stability for Drug Sensor Application

Yeong Yi Wong, Faridah Lisa Supian, Afiq Radzwan, Nur Farah Nadia Abd Karim, Farish Armani Hamidon, Nur Irwany Ahmad

Vol.45, Pages 10195 - 10207

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Effects Of Different Techniques and Different Bushing Materials in The Calibration of Short Immersion Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometer (IPRT)

Nurulaini Md Ali, Zalita Zainuddin

Vol.45, Pages 10208 - 10216

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Application of Conjugate Gradient Method in Portfolio Optimization

Jun Hao Chin, Wei Yeing Pan, Jia Hou Chin, Hong Seng Sim

Vol.45, Pages 10217 - 10230

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X-ray Analysis of the [NeV]-Emitting Infrared Galaxies: IRAS F03217+4022 and IRAS 13120-5453

N. W. Agustine Budiyawan, Adlyka Annuar

Vol.45, Pages 10231 - 10240

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